Thursday, June 27, 2013

Xbox One release date

The official Xbox One release date is November 2013 for the US and UK and 19 other territories, slap bang at the start of the Christmas silly season.
There was a rumour which touted November 27th as the Xbox One release date but Microsoft has said this is not accurate. No official release date has been revealed.

Xbox One games

Microsoft announced back in February that its own games studios will release 15 games in the first year of the Xbox One's life cycle. Other than that, we also know that FIFA 14 will launch on the console with exclusive content, and the new COD game, Call of Duty: Ghosts, will also have exclusive content on the Xbox.
The confirmed exclusive titles are Forza Motorsport 5Quantum Break,Halo 5 and Ryse. Many other cross platform titles have also been confirmed and you can get the full lowdown on them all over on OXM's Xbox one games page.

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